6833 Whitneyville Ave SE, Alto MI 49302 * (616) 868-6676 * CountryHarvestGreenhouse.com

Sunday, February 13, 2011

DIY: All-Purpose Spray Cleaner

This versatile all-purpose spray is great for kitchen counters, tables, sinks, floors, and more.

16 oz spray bottle (check dollar stores)
1 teaspoon Borax (found near speciality cleaners on the laundry soap aisle)
2 tablespoons vinegar
1/4 cup vegetable-oil based soap (like Dr. Bronners)
16 oz Hot Water
Few drops essential oil (optional)


Add Borax to 16 oz of hot water in spray bottle. Cap and shake until Borax is dissolved. Add vinegar and shake. Then add soap and oil and shake.