6833 Whitneyville Ave SE, Alto MI 49302 * (616) 868-6676 * CountryHarvestGreenhouse.com

Monday, April 8, 2013

DIY: Herbal Fire Starters

An all natural herbal fire starter.


1. Just take the leftover twigs from your favorite herbs, such as rosemary, and snap them into lengths of 4 to 8 inches (your preference).

2. Stretch a length of approx. 1 to 2 feet of string/twine on your work surface.

3. Lay out a small bunch of the twigs perpendicular to the string.

4. Stretch/draw out several cottonballs and combine them to form a cotton piece or "rod" that stretches the length of the twigs.

 5. Smear or soak approx. 1 tbsp of coconut or other natural oil into the cotton thoroughly and lay upon the twigs.

 6. Lay another small bunch of twigs on top of the cotton.

 7. Draw the string up and around the twigs and cotton to bundle them into a single piece. Wrap several times going up and down the length of the bundle and tie.

 8. Use to start a fire or to drive away mosquitoes, freshen the air, clean an area of scent, etc!